Introducing Jasmine Dunn, an American fashion designer, born in Plano,TX. Since a young girl, Jasmine has loved to showcase her creative spirit. She has used her imaginative mind for designing various crafts before entering fashion design. She taught herself to use the sewing machine, and she then knew where her true design passion lay. She attends El Centro College where she will graduate with degrees in Fashion Design and
Technical Apparel Design.
 Motherhood, womanhood, experiences from her childhood, and everything else in between have made Jasmine a multifaceted designer, who had the vision to bring her brand Mesnyi to life. Mesnyi’s designs are not just about making a statement; but are about celebrating the essence of femininity and empowering women to embrace their inner radiance, one exquisite piece at a
time. Her journey as an evening wear designer is a testament to her relentless
pursuit of beauty and authenticity in an ever-evolving world of fashion.